Apr 20

Phone Message

Published at 14:52
Dispatch created from SMS
7h de camino y estamos a un dia de cb. Nieva copiosamente.Ma�ana aclimatacion. Todo bien.
  • Name: Italicamp
  • Elevation: 3614 m
  • Latitude: 28° 4154North
  • Longitude: 83° 2624East


  • Report as abuse...
    2024-06-03 11:21:31 guest says: Few of the margins of the writing are filed for all people. The things of the use and case study assignment writing services for the team. Sign is placed for the attachment for the terms. Partly followed shape isle for the producers of the content and writers for that matter.
  • Report as abuse...
    2013-04-20 23:20:47 FELIPE. says: ANIMO A TODOS UN SALUDO PARA ENRIQUE
  • Report as abuse...
    2013-04-20 21:41:59 mari carmen says: Ánimo , todo forma parte de la aventura . Un beso para Marcial .
  • Report as abuse...
    2013-04-20 21:34:23 Comercialduquesa@donmarinoboat says: Pobrecitos! Que frío..... Pero supongo que eso ya lo sabias. ANIMO...

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