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abr 23

Willpower Circuit Technology - To PCB Purchasing Officer

Publicado a las 13:42
Despacho creado desde email
Dear Sir and Madam,

Hello and a happy nice new day for you !

This is Eros Wan, from Willpower Circuit Tecnology Company Limited, the specialized PCB manufacturer in Shenzhen, China.

Willpower Circuit Technology Company Limited is capable of producing high-quality Multi-layer board, HDI board, FPCs, Rigid-flex board, Aluminum PCB( MCPCB ), Single, and Double-sided.

The products are broadly apply to the fields of telecom, automotive, power supply, module, Meter&instrument, mobile, computer, medical, LED lighting, industrial control, mould, digital products, aviation, house appliances and military appliance, and etc.

Our low price, good quality, high service level, and 18-20 hours, 2shifts 6days working time will strongly assist your business,
hope when you have PCB inquiries, can give us chance to quote, i believe we're very likely can be your No.1 PCB supplier. :-)

Many thanks for your reading and we're sincerely expecting for the early cooperation, thanks again!

For More information, please visit our website: www.willpowerpcb.com
Willpower Circuit: Your best supplier, servicer, and supporter!

Best Regards

Eros Wan

Willpower Circuit Technology Co., Ltd.
2012B3,Hung Lung Plaza,Xixiang,Baoan,
Shenzhen,518102,Guangdong Province,China
Tel:86-0755-33592868 Fax:86-0755-33592869


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