First Andes Crossing with Sled Dog
Aug 20
Dispatch #2
Published at 18:48

Day 2: Husky Farm Villarrica - Parque el Paso Nevados de Sollipulli
Yesterday we started the expedition with a Party at the restaurant Latitude 39. Half of the money of the beer we got sponsored from Kross and the shirts and heads we sold will go the Fair Chile and half is for the expedition. Thanks everybody for celebrating with us. We had a very good time. Today in the morning the mushers , two tv teams, the military (regimiento Tucapel con vet, medico y guia de montana), photographers and many more left this morning heading off to Melipeuco where they have lots of snow at “Nevados de Sollipulli”. They will spend the night at the beautiful cabin of Paso “El Parque” up there. Tomorrow they will start mushing to Icalma.
Yesterday we started the expedition with a Party at the restaurant Latitude 39. Half of the money of the beer we got sponsored from Kross and the shirts and heads we sold will go the Fair Chile and half is for the expedition. Thanks everybody for celebrating with us. We had a very good time. Today in the morning the mushers , two tv teams, the military (regimiento Tucapel con vet, medico y guia de montana), photographers and many more left this morning heading off to Melipeuco where they have lots of snow at “Nevados de Sollipulli”. They will spend the night at the beautiful cabin of Paso “El Parque” up there. Tomorrow they will start mushing to Icalma.
- Name: Parque Ecológico Tres Esteros
- Elevation: 329 m
- Latitude: 39° 26’ 31” South
- Longitude: 72° 15’ 4” West