South Pole via Kansas Glacier

Dec 23


Published at 05:18
Dispatch created from email
A brief update as I have much to do on this night. Paul broke his ski pole which needs repairing and Jade?s goggles need a nose piece added. Our Julbo goggles are superb, the Aerospace model a real breakthrough for polar expeditioners as the lens can be pivoted away from the frame to allow airflow to prevent fogging/icing, a curse for any skier in these regions.

The wind increased throughout the day, hardening the surface to almost verglas in places, but bringing with it blowing drift, uncomfortable breaks and now, a blizzard. If this continues we will be tentbound tomorrow, not an unwelcome event.

Today we covered 14.6km, OK considering the conditions but we need to pick up in the coming weeks.

1. Jade pulling in to a break
2. Jade downing some noodles for lunch
3. A surreal portrait of Jade, a reflection of our day.


  • Name: Camp 18
  • Elevation: 2643 m
  • Latitude: 87° 1848South
  • Longitude: 136° 3456West


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