South Pole via Kansas Glacier

Dec 25

Merry Xmas everyone

Published at 07:08
Dispatch created from email
After our rest day we were were keen to put in a good day and we did - 19.7km - despite heavy sastrugi at times. We also climbed some long slopes, one of them fast rock-hard ice with narrow crevasses.

The La Gorse Mountains continue to fade into the distance, tomorrow may be the last day we see them.

At lunch I pulled out our emergency Hilleberg single-skin tent and used it as a wind bivy for Jade and Paul. The result, the most comfortable break they?ve had since arriving on the plateau. It will be standard fare from now on.

Jade came up with a good plan - to cover 17km per day for 6 days then 20km per day for 10 days to get us to the Pole in 16 days, now 15. It matches the expected terrain - climbing through sastrugi onto Titan Dome?s smooth bonnet then cruise down to the pole. We will see if it pans out.

Thanks to everyone for the Xmas messages. Great to speak with my family in Tasmania, I was so excited to unwrap Susy?s little gift that I had been carrying all this time, even though Xmas for our team doesn?t arrive until tomorrow. But my heart goes out to my dad who is spending Xmas in hospital. Get well soon dad, sorry I can?t be there, with love and affection.

1. Heath hauling his and Ming?s sled over the fast ice as Ming films behind
2. Lunch bivy
3. Jade and Paul in the bivy


  • Name: Camp 20
  • Elevation: 2715 m
  • Latitude: 87° 2924South
  • Longitude: 136° 2254West


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