South Pole via Kansas Glacier

Dec 30

fortune favours the hardy

Published at 05:25
Dispatch created from email
Eight hours sleep on an expedition such as this both a luxury and a necessity. I wake four or five times per night, use my pee bottle, unzip the door, empty it in the vestibule, zip back up and fall back to sleep almost instantly. I sleep more here than I do at home but without it, and without the adequate calories, we would grind down very quickly.

I never sleep in my sleeping bag, rather I have it draped over me, feet in the foot box, sides tucked under my sleeping mattress, down jacket as a pillow. It?s so comfortable it makes getting up at the 6am alarm that more difficult. I wake Heath and Ming then call out to Jade and Paul and keep calling till I get a reply.

Another day of wind though back to an easterly and slowly weakened by later arvo. Our last break was warm, something we haven?t experienced for over a week. It has been an exceptionally windy season, more than any of my previous 4 coast to pole trips. But hey, if Antarctica was predictable I?d have no interest in being here. Things are improving, finally. We did well to weather the nasty days, fortune will favour the hardy.

Skied 18km today with 197km to go.

1. Paul and Jade
2. Jade, Heath our front
3. Birdbeak sastrugi


  • Name: Camp 25
  • Elevation: 2955 m
  • Latitude: 88° 142South
  • Longitude: 137° 4518West


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