Svalbard Expedition 2018

Mar 28


Published at 17:53
Dispatch created from email
Overnight heavy clouds descended on the valley and we woke to our camp covered in snow.

A short ski took us to a frozen waterfall, the outlet of Eskerdalen's watercourse in warmer months. Eskerdalen is the connecting valley between Sassendalen and Adventdalen and it’s always a great sight to see reindeer foraging for the first grasses of spring.

Through slowly clearing fog we covered around 15km of hard-earned ground and are now camped on a beautiful flat at the head of Adventdalen. Tomorrow we need to cover around 17km to set us up for a final short day into Longyearbyen.

1. This morning’s camp
2. Anthony and Matt in front of the waterfall.


  • Name: Camp 7
  • Elevation: 135 m
  • Latitude: 78° 1122North
  • Longitude: 16° 4410East


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