Northern Patagonian Icecap crossing 2009

nov 20

Despacho #14

Publicado a las 14:47
Despacho creado desde email
Under the pass
Camp 10, Bengt reporting: The day has had it¹s ups and downs. First of all
were we met with loose snow reaching over our knees. Then we got whiteout
for the entire day. But the temperature has fallen and we now have lovely
cold weather. That makes, among other things, life inside the tent much
We did some 8 kilometres, and are now in position under the pass we must get
over. We got a glimpse of it as we camped. There is no doubt that we need
both a clear view and much better weather to challenge it.
The forecasts is not good. The best estimate in Sunday, so now we are
confined to the comfort of the tent. It seems only Thorleif is not that
We have just gone over food, route, kilometres, fuel etc etc and found we
have 10 days full rations left. And we believe we can scale the pass and get
off the glacier in 5 good days, so so far everything is no sweat and just
three happy campers.

  • Nombre: Camp 10
  • Elevación: +1300 m
  • Latitud: 47° 645Sur
  • Longitud: 73° 3059Oeste

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