Expedición Antártica 2013

Feb 21

Phone Message

Publiziert am 18:51
Dispatch created from SMS
Ayer subimos Monte Scott. Descenso en esquies en nieve perfecta. Rapel para volver al zodiak. Hemos escalado 4 cumbres.


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    2024-07-25 10:31:47 SMM World says: Thank you for this insightful and well-researched article! instagram panel
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    2023-11-03 03:49:28 Online Bingo Slots says: Very interesting information! Perfect just what I was looking for! My site: Online Bingo Slots
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    2013-02-21 21:57:22 c donoso says: subete unas fotos dle monte scott
  • Report as abuse...
    2013-02-21 20:23:39 Pedro says: FELICITACIONES... ah, manden fotos¡¡¡

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